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Aviva Life Insurance takes Employee well being to a New Level

Source: The Hans India
Dated: Sep 29th, 2017

India is the Cardio Vascular Disease capital of the world. It is a real problem we Indians are living with. Every minute 4 people succumb to the disease.

According to the Registrar General of India, coronary heart disease was the cause of 32% of total adult deaths during the period 2010-2013. As per World Health Organization the instance of heart disease has increased by 32%, in less than 40 years age between 2010-2015, and that 2.6 million Indians will be afflicted with heart ailments by 2020.

Today people are increasingly falling prey to lifestyle and hereditary illnesses, especially heart ailments which make a huge dent in their pockets due to rising health care costs. This is where Aviva Heart Care comes in. The premise behind Aviva Heart Care was to secure not just the heart of the customer but also the heart of the spouse. This compelling proposition of "2 Hearts 1 plan" has made Aviva Heart Care a one of its kind of product that covers against 19 heart conditions prevalent in India.

The company's belief in encouraging good work-life balance and health living amongst the employees is clearly evident from the various initiatives launched to promote the same. This is in line with the Aviva "Good Thinking" philosophy, which basically says that it is Good Thinking to put the welfare and wellbeing of customers, both external and internal at the core of every action. And since employees are the strength of the company, Aviva has initiated various endeavours to encourage healthy living and a healthy work culture.

In continuation, with World Heart Day (WHD) 2017 approaching on 29th September, Aviva Life Insurance will celebrate this day by helping their employees be more health conscious.

"In the given scenario of rising cardio vascular diseases, we, at Aviva, aim to sensitize our employees on the need to lead a healthy life. With lifestyle induced diseases on the rise, it becomes important to understand the risk factors that cause these diseases and work in the direction to minimize them. On this World Heart Day we advise people to lead a healthy life and yet have a backup plan in case of an uncertainty related to heart through Aviva Heart Care," said chief customer, marketing and digital officer Aviva Life insurance, Anjali Malhotra.

The employees have been receiving Good Health Tips throughout the year to reinforce easy 'healthy habits’ that help them make healthier choices in daily life. In addition, the company is also conducting Free Health Checkups for its employees across the country, followed by a Doctor's Consultation, in order to raise awareness on healthy living. They employees will be able to avail free ECG tests, expert consultations and a treadmill test to assess their heart health and on how to eliminate the risk of heart disease.