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Aviva Launches Heart Insurance for Couples

Source: Times of India
Dated: Dec 10th, 2016

Aviva Life Insurance has announced the launch of ‘Aviva Heart Care’, a heart insurance for couples in India. The product allows the insured to cover himself and the spouse in the same policy at a nominal extra premium, the company said.


Aviva Heart Care also has options to restore policy benefits once the basic sum assured is exhausted for severe category conditions. The policy provides coverage against 19 mild, moderate and severe cardiovascular conditions, and procedures and allows lump-sum pay-out irrespective of cost of treatment.


"Indians are prone to heart ailments due to multiple factors including genetics, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress etc., making it the cardio vascular disease capital of the world. Customer research indicated that people are not adequately covered under a mediclaim policy and also that 78% of hospitalisation expenses are out of pocket," Aviva stated.


"We conceptualised 'Aviva Heart Care' to help people achieve their healthy heart goals and also encourage them to make health a priority for themselves and their spouses," said Trevor Bull, managing director and CEO, Aviva Life Insurance.


"The incidence of cardiovascular disease in India has gone up by 30% in people below the age group of 40 years. Today it is among the fastest growing chronic illnesses in India, growing rapidly at 9.2% annually," said Naresh Trehan, an eminent cardiac surgeon, during the launch.


"We often see that people are not sufficiently covered financially when they come for treatment," he said. The Aviva Brand Ambassador, Sachin Tendulkar reaffirming the need for such a product was quoted as saying, "As a sportsman I have always emphasised the need for fitness and believe that a healthy heart is key to a happy life."


"A policy like Aviva Heart Care will ensure that families pledge to their mutual health goals. I believe it is truly "Good Thinking" to insure both hearts that are so critical to keep the family together," he said.