Do’s and Don’ts a Policyholder Must Know While Buying Cashless Health Insurance

With the latest buzz about cashless economy, there is a paradigm shift within the people to switch to other means and modes of payment apart from cash. In health insurance fraternity, cashless health insurance was concerted way back. It is the most important feature of the health insurance policy where the policyholder can a cashless treatment in the listed network hospitals.

In case of any emergency medical  situation, usually we are worried about depositing money in the hospital to kick off the treatment but with cashless health insurance plans the process is hassle free and convenient. But many of us still do not know how exactly the cashless hospitalization works.

There are basically two situations where cashless health insurance can be availed:

How the Cashless Health Insurance Plans work?



Factors which can lead to denial of the cashless hospitalization:

Read our article “Health insurance Strategy” for understanding more about Health Insurance.

Health insurance is vital in today’s sky rocketing cost of health care. It is important to analyze, compare the premium, policy benefits, inclusions, waiting period, key features, etc. before buying Insurance plan. Undersand the process of cashless hospitalization beforehand to avoid last minute hassles.