Common Life Insurance Myths in India

Today, people feel uncomfortable talking about death and the consequences of one’s death leaving alone the financial aspect and the void that a person’s absence will create. Financial planning is very necessary for the family that has been left behind.  Life insurance happens to be the most important aspect of financial planning and the most crucial one because it looks after the family’s financial needs after the death of the bread winner\winners. Life insurance often does not get enough attention that is required and thus it falls prey to many misconceptions and some common life insurance myths.

Common Myths of Life Insurance in India

These some Common Life Insurance Myths are often irrelevant and senseless and far from the truth. Let us have a look at it. It’s the myth that changes things around you and in your mind, we can’t take anything guaranteed in our life, just because nothing is permanent in our life. We might face issues while buying life policy first time, but these things make you experienced and knowledgeable.

Life Insurance is not Affordable

Term plans provide very cheap premium plans and happen to be the simplest form of the protection plan. You need to pay small amounts as a premium to get a big amount of life cover which is paid if the policyholder dies within the time specified. This plan provides financial security for your family in your absence. The cover provided is at least 10 times that of the premium paid towards the policy.

Life insurance is for Older People

This myth is baseless as it just says that young people are somehow prone to death. Youngsters often believe that life insurance is for older people or people in their late 30s. It is advisable that one should get life insurance as soon as one starts earning to secure the financial future of oneself and the loved ones. Buying an insurance policy when you are younger makes sense as younger people are considered a lower risk for investors, which will lead to lower premiums. this, you are more likely to get an affordable policy with lower premiums when you are younger.

Group Insurance Plans are Enough

Most companies cover their employees under group insurance plans. What people often forget is that this policy is effective only until the person is working with a particular employer who provided him with the insurance. In the event of a change in job or termination, this insurance automatically will cease to exist leaving you without any insurance. To avoid such scenarios, it is recommended to purchase an individual life insurance policy. Group insurance plans are not enough to cover your present and future liabilities. Also, these plans do not allow to ass riders or other benefits.

Sum Covering the Existing Income is Enough

With the growth in income, you and your family are being accustomed to a certain lifestyle, which will not be present in your unfortunate absence. There will be a need for extra money to cover the income of the person who is absent. Other than this, liabilities, loans, EMI, and the child’s education are some very expensive businesses, which will be extremely difficult to handle with the financial help of the outsider. Inflation and other expenses are bound to occur which will make the sum assured insignificant. Thus, looking for a higher amount is advisable rather than sticking to the existing income.

Single People do not Require Life Insurance

Life insurances can provide you with benefits on investment if invested properly. Retirement plans and wealth creation plans are good options to consider here. Believe me, it’s nothing like that, single people never require life insurance. Life insurance provides the protection of your life, and in your retirement, it’ll be the best way of income. We all know that money matters at every stage of life, and the older are you the most you need the best support to live your life. Life insurance just provides you, with every kind of support that you’ll need in your old age.

Insurance is only for the Breadwinners

The future of your children, the retirement years of your spouse need protection as well. Child plans which provide regular payouts provide a secure financial future for your child whether you are around or not. Similarly, retirement plans help as well. Well, it’s really a myth, because there is no one on earth who does not need insurance. In this advanced world, you need everything in the upcoming time, that seems not profitable today. Arising medical cost is the first and basic reason why everyone should cover with a life policy. And there are many reasons that will motivate you to buy a life policy, life policy is like a friend and protector to you.

You pay premiums during the active years of the policy otherwise known as the term. Life insurance does provide you with returns, the first one being “peace of mind” when you now know that the policy will take care of the financial situation in your absence. In addition, there are certain plans that provide returns on surviving. In addition, some life insurance plans provide you with a certain cash value that can be withdrawn as and when you need it.


Myths about life insurance are just for spreading wrong views and ideas to the people, well we should consider certain things before agreeing with any statement. A good source of information is like “water in watermelon”, and you should better keep care that from where you are getting this news. Just avoid the fake rumor around you about anything, rumors only damage the image of the product nothing else and we all have to keep care of this, that nobody will spread the wrong information.

Sonia Nagpal

Sonia Nagpal is an Insurance Specialist. She has more than 25 Yrs of experience in sales, Marketing and Corporate Alliances.

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